Vittoria & Albuhera Barracks - B.A.O.R Werl

Fort Victoria and Fort Anne / Vittoria Barracks and annex

From 1956 until 1970 a Canadian Camp 'Fort Victoria' or otherwise known as Camp 8 included the CAE Station (Radio Canadian Army Europe) It was the first Canadian Radio station in Germany.


Historical Photos from CAE click Here



Once Home to:


Royal 22nd Regiment (Royal 22e Régiment) 


In 1970 the Canadians handed over the Barracks including the Annexing Fort Anne (Camp 7) to the BAOR, The Royal Military Police moved into Vittoria Barracks and the CAE Radio Station the BBC and BFBS.  


An old rumour was whilst handing over the forts to BAOR, the French Canadian Unit wanted to sell off the Ice ring, but BAOR were not interested, they then tried to sell it for a pound just to say they got something for it. But this offer was also refused, The Canadians responded by bulldozing it...I am sure our Canadian colleges will tell us if this rumour has any truth in it.


For further information about the Canadian Forces who where stationed in these barracks, please visit there Website: Canadian Ruhr Memories 1953-1971. 



Once Home to:


115 Provost Company who later became 113 Provost Company, untill closure on 20 July 1994.


Fort St. Louis / Albuhera Barracks

Fort St. Louis or otherwise known as Camp 6, was originally a Canadian Camp but was handed over to BAOR in 1969/70 and then renamed Albuhera Barracks.


It was Home to:


1971-1975  2nd Battalion the Queens Regiment              

1975-1980  1st Battalion the Queens Regiment  

1980-1985  1st  Black Watch                                                       

1985-1991  1st Battalion the Royal Scots      

1991-1994  1st Battalion the Devon & Dorset Regiment                            



Closed on the 20 July 1994


The Barracks today 17th March 2012

The Parade square and the LEC Wksp Hanger are now being used to store Firewood & wood chippings.


Both camps are decaying rapidly due to vandals and thieves, they have either destroyed or ripped out what could be traded in for cash.


Both camps are used on a regular basis by the Local Fire Brigade for training, and spray the buildings which has increased the decaying process.


The Barracks are well known, and mentioned in several urban exploration (URBEX) photography websites, they visit the camps on a regular basis.


The buildings formerly used as the RHQ & Medical Centre are decaying more than any other building in the barracks.


Update: 2021 both Camps have been demolished.  

Please view the Video in (HD) for best quality.

Vittoria & Albuhera Barracks Part 2

Write a comment

Comments: 73
  • #1

    Kevin Moore (Tuesday, 20 March 2012 21:54)

    Please leave your comments here, Thanks

  • #2

    Denny wilkinson (Tuesday, 20 March 2012 22:12)

    It is so sad to see another part of my growing up yrs in ruins.

  • #3

    Thelma Barry (Tuesday, 20 March 2012 22:54)

    My first marriage took place at St Matthews in 1972. It is sad to see a place once so full of life and sctivity lay in ruins. It was so much a part of my life from the Cpl's mess, SKC and a job in the cook house and Sgts mess for a while. So very sad.

  • #4

    Gavin Manning (Wednesday, 21 March 2012 11:24)

    Church if I remember correctly was actually in Albuhera Barracks at top of hill opposite the Gymnasium.

  • #5

    Colin Twiggs (Friday, 23 March 2012 09:48)

    Upper Bks was vittoria bks was RMP,s bks, Lower Bks was albuhera bks, orignally 2 queens, the radio mast was in vittoria bks, and the seperating line was only a wire fence, with a gate near the mt aera. The annex was REME Wksp also THe golf club was there and the 432 park was there as well.

  • #6

    Alistair Urquhart (Friday, 23 March 2012 10:27)

    Very good photos Kev, I don't know if you're aware of the site 'BAOR Locations' it might help identify what you were looking at, link below.

    The site has history of all BAOR locations/barracks that might be of interest to you.

  • #7

    Kevin Moore (Friday, 23 March 2012 20:03)

    Colin thank you for this information, I can now lable the photos correctly.
    should you have any other details please contact me.
    This website is also on Facebook:
    and gets upadated on a regular basis.

  • #8

    Kevin Moore (Friday, 23 March 2012 20:11)

    Alistair Urquhart: Thank you also for this information.
    Yes i am aware of 'BAOR Locations' but the information regarding this location is limited. I am trying to contact the Admin: Paul Bass so that he can use the photo's shown here.
    This Gallery is in no way competition for the 'BAOR Locations website' which is great. I am only showing these locations as they stand today before they disappear.

  • #9

    ecky watson (Saturday, 24 March 2012 16:05)

    It's amazing what happens after the single jocks go out on the piss hope it's tidy for room inspection on

  • #10

    John Stirling (Saturday, 24 March 2012 18:51)

    These bring back memories of my first posting to Albuhera Bks in 1984.
    Regarding one of your earlier comments about the workshops in Vittoria Bks - along with the RMP there was also a large transportation section, which was mainly German civilian drivers and they had large transport trucks and buses. Think the only military guy in the unit was a REME ASM.
    If I remember correctly, the church was in Albuhera Bks.

  • #11

    Chris Simmons (Saturday, 24 March 2012 19:36)

    The workshop at the back of Victoria was a German LEC workshop for fuel tankers I believe well was when I was there 89-93

  • #12

    Jim ( Jock) Weir (Sunday, 25 March 2012 00:46)

    Served with 115/113 Provost Coy as Nco i/c lad from 1980 - 1984. Had some great times here and on the golf course in the annex.

  • #13

    Al Muirhead (Sunday, 25 March 2012 18:39)

    Thanks for the memories Kevin, this was also my first posting 89-93 same as Chris Simmons actually.Particularly enjoyed the pictures of the old Armrs/Inst shops and Armouries where I worked during that period.

  • #14

    Kevin Moore (Friday, 30 March 2012 21:30)

    Thank you all for the corrections, i have now amended the Labels and believe that they are now correct.
    I am Planning to visit this location again over the Easter Period, should anyone wish to tag along, contact me.

  • #15

    dennis oliver (Sunday, 01 April 2012 19:17)

    thanks for a trip down memory lane ,my first posting was Albuhera barracks in 71 (2 Queens )

  • #16

    Jwy c Moore (Monday, 02 April 2012 23:23)

    Love them u know next Weekend :)))

  • #17

    John Lambert (Friday, 06 April 2012 10:32)

    Very very sad to see the old place like this. I have happy memories of Werl and Albuhera barracks

  • #18

    Mick Knibbs (Sunday, 08 April 2012 17:19)

    i was in Albuhera Barracks from 1973 with 2 Queens what memories these pictures bring back so very sad to see it now, what a waste :-(

  • #19

    Stewart Sandeman (Sunday, 08 April 2012 19:59)

    I was in Albuhera Barracks with the Black Watch 1980-85. Mt Platoon. Boy looking at those pictures as well as sadned by the state of the Camp it brought back some fond memories. Best posting in Germany ever.

  • #20

    Scotty (Tuesday, 10 April 2012 12:42)

    This was my first ever posting with the 1st Bn The Black Watch (RHR) sad to see the place in such a mess, but as Sambo said alot of good memories also, evrything from bastard hill to the aly werl pub and fat gabby too ah memories lol.

  • #21

    tony jarrett . ( sparrow ) (Tuesday, 10 April 2012 16:03)

    such a shame to think so many lives were touched by these barracks and yet even in there state now they bring back so many good memorys. for so many people.

  • #22

    john errey (Tuesday, 10 April 2012)

    first posting for me as well it is a shame it has been left to go the way it has

  • #23

    Phillip Horwood (Tuesday, 10 April 2012 20:36)

    Sad to see the barracks in such a poor state, many good times had here. Our daughter was christened in the church and i wonder what happend to the stained window put in by the battalion.

  • #24

    Ian Stewart (Sunday, 15 April 2012 00:11)

    This was my first posting as an adult soldier in 1975, so many memories

  • #25

    john young (Monday, 07 May 2012 17:57)

    first posting 75- 79

  • #26

    Asier (Sunday, 15 July 2012 03:30)

    good post

  • #27

    John Smith (Wednesday, 25 July 2012 13:24)

    great time also in Werl it was great to be the only Regiment in the town had a good relationship with the locals. To answer Phil Horwoods's question I think the stain glassed window is in Balhousie Castle now

  • #28

    Bo Hardy (ex CFN REME) (Wednesday, 25 July 2012 13:33)

    It looking like nightmare now. My first posting with the Black Jocks. Had some really good times and not so good times but thats life! I remember stagging on over at the annexe (LAD) whilst Btn away at BATUS - ah a TA Hospital unit came over - the nurses!

  • #29

    John McDermott (Wednesday, 25 July 2012 15:01)


  • #30

    Jock Atkinson (Wednesday, 25 July 2012 19:05)

    Was posted to 113 Pro Coy RMP, Aug 1988 and moved down to Dortmund Det. Following a small disciplinary problem, I was moved up to Werl Det Apr 1990. I thought my world had come to an abrupt stop in Werl but you have to make the most of what you have. Dave Miller, Craig Beeforth, John Barnes, Jaffa Greenan, Dave MacIntosh, Brian Dryborough (RIP), Lee Young, Brian Barnes, Dick Greatham, Shane Short, Ned Kelly, Mick Ashley, Ian Anton, Colin Love, 3D Burns, Sion Jones etc all blasts from the past at 113 Pro Coy RMP Werl - Happy Days! Great Phots - anon aye, slainte'

  • #31

    John Barnes (Wednesday, 25 July 2012 22:35)

    Amazing to see the pictures. Like Ralf I was there between 1988 and 1991. Other great names include, Phil Carter, Phil Morris, Hoppy Hopwood, Scott Horton, his snake, Sav kyriakou, John Appleyard to name but a few. Good memories of Waltons mountain!

  • #32

    Robert W Johnstone (Tuesday, 31 July 2012 16:49)

    My wife and I were married in the church on July 4th 1987 during my time in Werl with the Royal Scots. Sad to see the state of the camp including the church. Ironically the Roayl Scots have gone like so many other famous British Regiments, just a sign of getting old I suppose!! Rab Johnstone

  • #33

    Ross (Tuesday, 31 July 2012 22:58)

    The Black Watch (Cdn) also served in Fort St. Ann. The last did a tour in 63-65 there.

  • #34

    Ross (Tuesday, 31 July 2012 23:03)

    My error to the above please correct to Fort Victoria. I did my Jnr. NCO course at the Battle School in 66 in Fort St. Louise across the road from Fort Victoria and Fort Ann. Prior to to the Canadian Armoured units going to Fort Beausajour in Iserlohn and the Medics going to Fort Chambly in Soest, I believe they were in Fort St. Louise.

  • #35

    Niall Hall (Tuesday, 07 August 2012 11:02)

    Served at Albuhera attached to the Black Watch 1982-84. Not the happiest years of my career !

    Visited the camp a few years agon when on a visit to Germany -it was bad then and looks even worse now ! Quite a contrast to Alanbrooke Barracks in Paderborn, my other German posting - still in use and still spick and span !

  • #36

    Ray Squirrell (Thursday, 30 August 2012 10:14)

    In camp Victoria from 60/63 Took a long time to recognize some of the photo's, thank for the memories, sad as they may be.

  • #37

    Ray Squirrell (Monday, 03 September 2012 07:56)

    In 60/63 The Photo 34, is a picture of the Cpl. Canteen, the German Club bar (or the sappers canteen,) was behind the photo shown, and Photo 66 (if that was of the ammo compound) was at the back of Albuhera Camp (60/63, Black Watch Camp) not Victoria! I must have watch this Video and photos a dozen times, thanks Kevin

  • #38

    henry harding (Thursday, 13 September 2012 22:21)

    my first posting after training to the reme lad 1979-81.
    served with 1 queens and black watch.
    fantastic times spent here loads of sport and drink.
    such a shame the camps are in this state but still brings back great memories

  • #39

    Geoff Finnelly (Monday, 17 December 2012 21:06)

    It brings it all back my Wife and I run the Shooting club bar over in the Annex near the Golf Club for a short time. We were packed out on a Saterday night great fun with our German Friend,s. I was in 2 Queens in Werl from 1970 to 1974.Great times.

  • #40

    Gary Gibson (Wednesday, 26 December 2012 06:55)

    1st black watch I am so sad to see the place as it is now. My son is the same age i was [19] when i first entered those gate in 1980 many many great memories. thank you so very much..

  • #41

    David Lawson (Wednesday, 16 January 2013 02:12)

    I'll be damned .... thats sad in a way. I was there in 1973-75 as a R Signals officer secondment running 3Pl A Coy 2 Queens. I learnt a loy about the craft of an Officer from the Battalion, that I have always been grateful for - especially a wise and well balanced Pl Sgt - Sgt Munday - to whom I owe a deep gratitude for his wise guidence keeping me on the straight and narrow. Sad to see it like this, but life moves on I guess. Hail to any 2 Queens guys out there, I remember my time there fondly.

  • #42

    diana stolarczuk (Friday, 08 February 2013 14:30)


    einfach ganz tolle Bilder! EIn komisches Gefühl, sich das anzuschauen und dabei zu wissen, das da früher irgendwo mein Vater (den ich nie kennen gelernt habe) rumlief! Eine ganz tolle seite . weiter so!

    liebe grüße

  • #43

    john bull (Saturday, 23 February 2013 10:54)

    the one side where the golf club was is now an industrie estate and the other side where the church is (was)is still in ruin i beleive , still go jogging there in thr trimm dich well walking now days lol, still live in hamm thou

  • #44

    awesome (Tuesday, 26 February 2013 10:32)

    Cool website buddy I am gona suggest this to all my list of contacts.

  • #45

    Holger - Smiler (Thursday, 07 March 2013 19:06)

    Tolle Seite! Ich war nur 2 Wochen hier; im Austausch: Royal Scots und Jägerbataillon 4./531 Ahlen/ Westfalen. Eigentlich nur 2 Tage. Den ersten und den letzten, dazwischen waren wir im Manöver in Haltern with Sergeant Henderson. Das war im April 1986. Greetings to Corporal Thomson. Did some one know him? -) Long time ago. I have some pictures for him!

  • #46

    John O`Meara (Thursday, 21 March 2013 04:35)

    Just a few corrections, as I once worked for the AKC.
    Image 34. Through the open doors, facing where the ticket kiosk once was, now removed.

    Image 35. The Candy Bar.
    Door on the left, to bottle store, and confectionary store. plus stairs leading to upper floor and projection suit, and other rooms.

    Image 36. Fire shutters for projector 1 & 2. Both Bauer B8 projectors.

    Image 39. The Cloak Room. Managers office to the right.

  • #47

    Masticating Juicer (Wednesday, 17 April 2013 19:24)

    I just shared this upon Facebook! My friends will definitely want it!

  • #48

    Peter Williams (Friday, 06 September 2013 01:40)

    What a great site, good memories for me. I was in Werl from 1971-73 with the REME (CFN) attached to 2 Queens. I can remember things like writing off one of the greens on the golf course while testing a FV432 and getting in a race with a Saracen on the test track.... Spent much time in that guard house... shame it's such a state I used to keep it nicely polished.

  • #49

    Binzy Reynolds (Friday, 13 September 2013 16:26)

    Haha! I had the honour of being the first REME bloke in that nick when the Black Jocks took over from 1 Queens in 1980. All for trying to book out of camp in jeans & a t-shirt... I know that guardroom floor very well - gutted it's so minging now as it was gleaming when I'd finished cleaning it at about 03.00 the following morning! Happy memories with B Coy 1 Queens but not so happy with the Black Jocks.

    Hi to Henry Harding (Post38).We shared a room ran the workshop bar & had way too much beer than was good for us! Happy days. Hope you're doing ok mate & if you feel like getting in touch after all these years & maybe partaking in a beer or three, I've left my email address with Kevin Moore (website admin).

  • #50

    Brian Chidwick (Saturday, 15 February 2014 16:00)

    Iwas Cpl in charge of the L A D with 115 RMP IN THE LATE 60'S, Went on my tiffy course from there. Nice web site, good and bad memories.

  • #51

    john rodger (Wednesday, 19 February 2014 22:05)

    sad to see the old camp in such a bad state was there with the black watch from 80-82

  • #52

    Darran Reckeweg Borrill "Ernest" (Wednesday, 19 March 2014 19:16)

    I was there too, 93 to 94. Had some lovely memories of Rossers bar, Soest "Underground and Phlaum Baum" I remember I had to nick the flag of the guard room for beasting Mortar platoon about on Christmas day. I was pretty intoxicated on that day. Best regards to other fellow D and D's.

  • #53

    Conny (Friday, 23 May 2014 20:19)

    my name is Conny my stepfather searched you´re sister Bettina .
    She is with a Chris married he was by The Black watch in Werl.
    she is with him together pulled after scottland.
    She is a natural leadership Artzt.
    If your me help please my father missed youre sister .
    i was so happy when your`s me help.
    Lg Conny
    Ps: my english is not good :D

  • #54

    scott 24246574 (Saturday, 12 July 2014 18:35)

    2queens 73 -75

  • #55

    Dennis fieldston (Sunday, 26 October 2014 22:16)

    So sad was married in the church

  • #56

    Eck Wind (Thursday, 26 March 2015)

    Brilliant pictures Kev, brought back some memories of my time in Werl ,i was there with the Royal Scots from the start of their tour until they rolled out the gates posted to Fort George, so sad the place is how it is as there was not a blade of grass out of place the whole six years we were there, but times have changed, i believe the Germans have still to flatten the place ,any updates ?? saw a website picture from last summer and the building were still standing , anyway memories i will never forget.

  • #57

    Alex Wasinowicz (Sunday, 14 June 2015 18:08)

    Dennis Fieldson...Brian Gillfillan... Two soldiers I remember from Akarit platoon Glencourse Barracks 1977 and Werl Albuhera camp 2980/82... Then I left and ironically met colleagues from Queens Own Highlanders of whom I was privileged to serve with in NI 1978 in Otter burn during an SAS selection
    phase only to become a school teacher PE and retirement yo italy where i'll be touring europe on my motorbike and returning to Werl to the place i was proud to serve as a PE instructor..
    And thats life...
    God Bless you all...
    Alex Wasinowicz PTI

  • #58

    jim (Friday, 18 September 2015 23:02)

    Wasinowicz waz I remember you well when you were boxing a black boxer what a fight I still remember that what a fight you got heart mate and fuk ive never seen a fitter bloke waz you were fit and probably still fit of your head but I didnt know why you left werl everyone new you loved it here SAS selection I didn't no that jock tam donald and wolfy mcshane PTI charlie sexton was some man good boxer and jock gillfilan I think we all miss BW

  • #59

    davy (Saturday, 19 September 2015 20:39)

    Black Watch and werl and the MPs next door to the gym and picture house keeping there eyes on us.
    Miss the florines and becks and bratwursts in town don't miss the BFTs after a night out. What a shame the camp now being left to the vandals lock em up I say.

  • #60

    HQ company (Tuesday, 06 October 2015 19:04)

    Aye! Black Watch boxers Charlie Sexton Jock McKinnes Billy Malarky The top 3.

  • #61

    Young (Monday, 16 November 2015 23:58)

    Looking at the pictures of the Globe cinema. Good memories of going to see Star Wars in '77 on the bus from Werl. What a shame to see it in that condition. Great days of childhood

  • #62

    REME (Sunday, 20 December 2015 21:12)

    I was attached to the Black Watch for 2 years a tough regiment but good in spirit. Werl was an excellent posting as was Berlin.

  • #63

    jock tod (Friday, 22 January 2016 21:39)

    so sad to see the state of the place it was a great posting have great memories.
    sambo nice to see you name.

  • #64

    Archie HQ (Thursday, 28 January 2016 00:48)

    Werl a great posting with The 1st Battalion Black Watch, hated BFT's and The PTI's and the RMP next door LOL but loved the banter of these mad Jocks.

  • #65

    Alf Elwell (Saturday, 02 April 2016 21:41)

    How sad to see such destruction. Victoria Bks were part of mine and my familys life in the 70s with the RMP

  • #66

    Stumpy (Friday, 20 May 2016 12:08)

    I was stationed at camp 6 in 1971, happy memories

  • #67

    Obat Benjolan Pada Buah Zakar (Saturday, 29 October 2016 04:05)


  • #68

    GILL (Saturday, 03 December 2016 00:49)

    I was married in the church 1986, so sad to see it all looking like it does in the pics. It's probably not even there now.

  • #69

    Gerry mckay email ( ) (Saturday, 16 June 2018 12:21)

    Any one from 2 Queens 1970 / 73
    . I was with MT under Captain Jennings, some names from past Nig Hanley, Jonny Knowls, Mow Croucher, Bubs, Cpl Took, Ted Day, CSM Potts and CO Major Taylor. To mention a few.
    Care free and happy times.

  • #70

    Bridgette fuller/was digby (Sunday, 17 June 2018 00:06)

    Any body Remmber 2 queens 1970 till 74 dances at queens club

  • #71

    Colin Twiggs, (Saturday, 23 February 2019 11:07)

    Gerry Mckay will you Message me please at

  • #72

    Tpr Alex Wasinowicz (Monday, 28 October 2019 00:24) long last- I'm returning to Vittoria & Albuhera Barracks - B.A.O.R Werl after 37 years. And the Gymnasium will be my first stop where I'll spend all day reminiscing about the day's when I stood as a very proud PTI alongside: Staff, Jock McKinnes, Tam and Donald.

    Being a retired School teacher of PE and more importantly a Military PTI... returning to my old school Perth High as a teacher, was my final goal in life.

    There is nothing more left for me to do but to settle down and push myself mentally and physically to a very high level of fitness... if I can... and returning to Werl, I hope will help spurr me on to do just that... Shedding a few tears no doubt about "When we were all so young and ultra fit." I'll visit Sennelager where I did my PTI's course to conclude my destination in life... "That time already."

    I fly out on 6 December 2019 with my Budd from Perth L/cpl Edd.

    "Live life to the full..." And God bless you all - Black Watch 1st Battalion.
    Waz PTI

  • #73

    Steve Pryor (Sunday, 20 September 2020 23:15)

    Was in 2nd Queen’s when we took over from the Canadians in about 72 it was fantastic, not palace barracks in Ireland or Canterbury but nice Built in-lockers, 4 man rooms was luxury for us, the camp just a lot different from the out dated English equivalent, bungalow type buildings with Canadian style fittings